Chapter 27 - 35

Chapter 27
Short sighted mortals see not the numerous links of small and great events which form the chain on which the fate of kings and nations is suspended. ~ Dr. Joseph Warren

The Midnight Ride
No one knows for sure how the information that the British were headed toward Concord by sea got to Warren. We do know that Warren was the one who sent the riders off and joined them to warn the country side. 

Chapter 28
If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Chapter 29
Nothing gives us more animating confidence… than the assurance we receive from our brethren of their readiness to join with us in every salutary measure for preserving the rights of the colonies. ~ Dr. Joseph Warren

 Committee of Safety
(information coming soon)

The Siege of Boston
The Patriots chased the British all the way back to Boston and than set up camp around, preventing the British from leaving the city. This was the beginning of a siege that would last many months and would devastate the people and city of Boston.

Benedict Arnold
A head and shoulders profile engraving of Benedict Arnold. He is facing left, wearing a uniform with two stars on the shoulder epaulet. His hair is tied back.
Public Domain. Source
Benedict Arnold did in fact meet and propose his plan to Warren and the Committee of Safety. Later on, he helped pay to take care of Warren's children out of his own pocket. Sadly, he would also later follow in the steps of Dr. Church and betray the patriot cause.

Chapter 30
Our harbor is crowded with ships of war, but these cannot intimidate us. ~ Dr. Joseph Warren

Small Pox
Small pox was one of the post feared disease of the time. There was a vaccine, but people feared the vaccine often more than they feared the disease.  Dr. Warren was a in favor of the vaccination, and even met John Adams while administering the vaccination.
Sources: Massachusetts Historical SocietyThe Siege of Boston by Allen French,  Dr. Joseph Warren Website

The Undermining Letter
Church sent a letter to one of the captain's of the American army, telling him to stop work on some fortifications, Warren quickly countermanded the orders .

Chapter 31
Regardless of the voice of reason… unaffected with the flowing tears of suffering millions, the British ministry still hug the darling idol. ~ Dr. Joseph Warren
Source: Boston Massacre Oration by Dr. Joseph Warren March 6, 1775

The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
This was an amazing moment for the Patriot forces. Not only did they take the fort without much difficulty, they also captured much needed artillery that was later used to help end the siege of Boston.
Source: The Siege of Boston by Allen FrenchWikipedia

Chapter 32
The day; perhaps the decisive day is come on which the fate of America depends. ~ Abigail Adams
Source: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams

The Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill is recorded officially as a win for the British, but, in reality, it was a huge blow to both sides. The patriots lost Dr. Warren and the hill. The British lost a huge number of men, making the win hardly seem worth it.
Sources: The History Junkie, Wikipedia, Dr. Warren WebsiteMassachusetts Historical SocietyThe Siege of Boston by Allen French

The Death of Warren
The Death of Joseph Warren was a huge blow to the cause. Some have speculated that if he had lived, his name would have gone on to be the president. I, however, believe that Dr. Joseph Warren was to humble to seek such an office.
Despite this blow, the cause of freedom was bigger than any one man. Warren's legacy of faith, freedom, and family continue to inspire  and influence people.

Chapter 33
Not all the havoc and devastation they have made, has wounded me like the death of Warren.
Source: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams

Did Benedict Arnold visit Mercy?
No, this was a fictional event that I created to show case the respect Benedict Arnold had for Warren and his family.

Chapter 34
We want [Warren] in the senate, we want him in his profession, we want him in the field. We mourn for the citizen, the senator, the physician, and the warrior. May we have others raised up in his room.
Source: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams

Chapter 35
Our country loudly calls you to be circumspect, vigilant, active, and brave.
Source: Boston Massacre Oration by Dr. Joseph Warren March 6, 1775

The Evacuation of Loyalists
Loyalists were evacuated from Boston toward the end of the siege. They were taken to London and even helped in reestablishing themselves.
Source: The Siege of Boston by Allen French

Richard Penn and the Olive Branch Resolution
 Richard Penn was sent by the Continental Congress with a resolution for peace. This effort would fail.

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